Fueled by art, science and creativity

Fueled by art, science and creativity

Fueled by art, science and creativity

We are a research and development studio that creates meaningful experiences in digital worlds. We believe that through good design and creativity we can provoke changes.

We are a research and development studio that creates meaningful experiences in digital worlds. We believe that through good design and creativity we can provoke changes.

We are a research and development studio that creates meaningful experiences in digital worlds. We believe that through good design and creativity we can provoke changes.



Providing innovative & creative products

Providing innovative & creative products

We work at the intersection of science, art and technology. By design tools that support human cognitive development we equalize educational opportunities.

In our portfolio you will find games, apps and social projects.

We work at the intersection of science, art and technology. By design tools that support human cognitive development we equalize educational opportunities.

In our portfolio you will find games, apps and social projects.

Our Great Success? Numbala!

See how science based design works!

Do you wanna work with us?

Contact us!